đź’ŤI believe DFTW is reduced to 4 planners and đź“·DFAP 3 or 4 photographers. The departments across the board are gutted.ÄŞs of right now there are only a handful of planners & photographers. And cannot wait to see all the brides again!!!

đź””GOOD NEWS: Weddings have started up again at Walt Disney World. #hula #hulakahiko #hulaauana #merrymonarch #hulagirl #pele #volcano #lava #ilavayou #native #nativeart #oiwi #alohaart #ponoart #pono #tourism #indigenousart #indigenouspeople #indigenousmovements #luau #culture #hawaiianculture #hawaiinart #hawaiianvalues #hilife #hawaiianmusic #hawaiilife - on Instagram

I have a few posts I’m a little behind on. More history on hula will come over the next few days. That is why hula takes years of learning. Even with what little we have left, the Hawaiian culture is rich. Each word is a moment of power, expressing not as entertainment, but of a people with deep hurt attempting to salvage and perpetuate the little bit of life left in their culture. Oral traditions are passed down into each hand, foot, and hip motion. It isn’t wrong to be entertained, but when that dominates the understanding and continues to be the sole knowledge of the world, then we only promote ignorance. However, the admiration of hula by the rest of the world should come more from valuing its cultural, historical, and narrative value than that of its entertainment value. And only because it’s either cute, “exotic,” or just plain entertaining.Īdmiration is a welcomed reaction. Hula to so many tourists who visit the islands, see the “luaus” (correctly pronounced “lū`au” which itself is a more modern name for party) and many want to start dancing hula thinking that it just takes the hands to go from side to side and the hips to sway as you step from left to right. To the rest of the world outside of indigenous culture, one sees hula and sees bright clothes, swaying hips, fabric flowers, and plastic coconut bras. However, their parts are necessary, as they create conflict and lead to the success of stars! That being said, it is time to go over some really great people from this magical brand, as well as some not-so-great ones, too.Hula is a deeply valued trait of the Hawaiian culture. On the other hand, there are annoying, not-so-smart, selfish and irritating characters, and fans get so frustrated with their parts in these classic tales. On one hand, there are smart, attractive, inspiring and memorable characters, and fans admire them, have crushes on them, learn from them and enjoy them. And all of these are going to be discussed, right here and right now. While not everyone may agree on who is the best Disney character of all of them and of all time, there are those top ones that many people seem to really respect… as well as those select few who are just the worst ! Yes, there are the faves… along with the characters who do mean things, who mess things up and who get on fans’ nerves. And there are, of course, vicious villains that people love to hate. There are masculine men and adorable animals. There are pretty princesses and silly sidekicks. Over the years, Disney has introduced so many memorable characters to fans.